
Showing posts from September, 2018

Flow Meter

We have got the flow meter working! With some simple code, we have managed to get the flow meter reading data, which we will eventually configure to be sent to the hub. The first hurdle in our project has been cleared! Next, we plan to code & test the radios... The code can be found on GitHub . To preview how the local site would look in your home, please see our demo site ; all of our code is available open-source on GitHub .

Project Overview

As our first proper post, we'd like to introduce to you the main concept of our idea, and how we perceive it to work: An Arduino Nano is located at each water outlet in the home, connected (directly) to a water flow meter. This Arduino is connected via radio to a Raspberry Pi - the hub. Through radio transmissions, the Arduinos will write their data from the flow meter to XML files saved on the hub; the RPi will interpret the data, display it on a local website, and provides tips as to how to save water. This website could be configured (via port forwarding on the router) to be available outside of the home - through either a plain public IP address, or a hostname (using dynamic DNS or a static public IP). We would like the water-saving tips to be powered by an AI system; this is definitely the most challenging part of the system to develop. For a preview of the locally-served website, please see . All of our code is available open-source  on...


Welcome to our blog! Here's a little introduction as to who we are and what we do. We are Traqua - a team of three secondary school students from Reading School (Berkshire, UK) working on an innovative water-saving solution for the home. We aim to use budget technology, including Raspberry Pis, to help households save water. As we develop our idea further (it is currently just a prototype system), we will provide more detail, via blog posts. We hope you like our idea; all of our code is available open-source  on GitHub . Please also see  our demo site , which shows what our system would look like if it was installed in your home.